EDI strategies must be tailored to an organization’s unique needs and goals, requiring ongoing commitment and regular assessments for relevance and impact. Strong EDI strategies result in increased employee satisfaction, improved innovation, and a positive marketplace reputation. Partnering with MTS-UK for EDI-focused recruitment outsourcing enhances reputation, attracts diverse top talent, and provides a competitive edge in the talent market.


  • MTS-UK offers comprehensive Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) services:

  • Diversity Planning – Tailored EDI plans include workforce analysis, improvement identification, and goal setting.

  • Talent Attraction – Strategies for diverse candidate pools, involving inclusive language and varied recruitment channels bolted on to any of the solutions offered.

  • Inclusive Hiring Practices – Develop fair processes with diverse panels, blind resume screening, and inclusive interview training.

  • Integration into Recruitment Process – MTS-UK embeds EDI principles at every recruitment stage for an inclusive candidate pipeline.

  • Data-Driven Insights – Utilise analytics for effective EDI strategy insights and recommendations.

  • Compliance and Governance – Ensure alignment with legal requirements, offering compliance guidance and governance framework support.

  • Continuous Improvement – Collaborative efforts for ongoing enhancement, staying updated on evolving EDI trends.